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Osprey Books

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Osprey books illustrated by Graham TurnerOSPREY BOOKS

One of the first books Graham Turner bought while making his initial steps into historical painting was from the already extensive range published by Osprey, so in 1995, having just completed his first painting of the Battle of Bosworth, he wrote to them to introduce his work and received a very encouraging reply saying 'your style seems to be very close to the kind of illustrations we use in several of or series' and asking if he'd be interested in illustrating one of the new Campaign series titles - Pavia, 1525.

Three decades later he has now illustrated over 90 Osprey books, with the century on the horizon, covering many varied periods of military history. In this section are detailed all these books, with artist-signed copies offered were we have them available.


After the publication of each book, Graham is able to offer the original paintings for sale, and many of these have found homes with collectors. Each book listed here will include a link to the relevant original paintings section of our website where details of available paintings can be found. CLICK HERE to go directly to the Original Paintings section


Some of these paintings are available as prints, and most can be produced to order as individually printed, high quality, artist-signed Giclée Prints. Follow the link from each book section, or CLICK HERE to browse Studio 88's extensive range of prints.

Books are listed with the most recent first, then going back in time to Graham's first, Pavia 1525.
Artist signed Osprey book, Air Campaign 48, Yugoslavia and Greece 1940-41Yugoslavia and Greece 1940-41

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Men at Arms 552, Medieval Indian Armies (2)Medieval Indian Armies (2)

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 394, Operation Pedestal 1942Operation Pedestal 1942

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Air Campaign 33, Bloody April 1917Bloody April 1917

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 381, Battle of MaltaBattle of Malta

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Men at Arms 545, Medieval Indian Armies (1)Medieval Indian Armies (1)

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 379, The East Africa Campaign 1914-18East Africa Campaign 1914-18

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 373, Syria and Lebanon 1941Syria and Lebanon 1941

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Air Campaign 27, Big Week 1944'Big Week' 1944

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Air Campaign 24, The Ruhr 1943The Ruhr 1943

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 364, The Netherlands East Indies Campaign 1941-42The Netherlands East Indies Campaign 1941-42

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold

Artist signed Osprey book, Air Campaign 22, Norway 1940Norway 1940

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 361, The Falklands Naval Campaign 1982The Falklands Naval Campaign 1982

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 360, Bosworth 1485Bosworth 1485

Book currently out of stock Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold. Prints are available

Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 355, Malplaquet 1709Malplaquet 1709

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, one of which is available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Air Campaign 17, The Italian Blitz 1940-43The Italian Blitz 1940-43

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Air Campaign 16, Legion Condor 1936-39Legion Condor 1936-39

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, one of which is available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 347, Constantinople AD 717-18Constantinople AD 717-18

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 343, Petsamo and Kirkenes 1944Petsamo and Kirkenes 1944

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Air Campaign 11, Battle of Berlin 1943-44Battle of Berlin 1943-44

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 337, Castagnaro 1387Castagnaro 1387

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 324, Campaldino 1289Campaldino 1289

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Air Campaign 5, Operation Crossbow 1944Operation Crossbow 1944

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Air Campaign 4, Malta 1940-42Malta 1940-42

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 323, Blanc Mont Ridge 1918Blanc Mont Ridge 1918

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 316, Shrewsbury 1403Shrewsbury 1403

Book currently out of stock Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 183, British Tank Crewman 1939-45British Tank Crewman 1939-45

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Air Campaign 1, Battle of Britain 1940Battle of Britain 1940

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 317, Operation Market Garden 1944 (3)Operation Market Garden 1944 (3)

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 301, Operation Market Garden 1944 (2)Operation Market Garden 1944 (2)

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 311, Savannah 1779Savannah

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 305, Kursk 1943Kursk 1943

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 283, Cowpens 1781Cowpens 1781

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 181, British Commando 1940-45British Commando 1940-45

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 292, Camden 1780Camden 1780

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 174, British Paratrooper 1940-45British Paratrooper 1940-45

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 285, Lewes and Evesham 1264-1265Lewes and Evesham 1264-1265

Book currently out of stock

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, one of which is available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 271, The Conquest of Saxony AD 782-785The Conquest of Saxony AD 782-785

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 260, Fort William Henry 1755-57Fort William Henry 1755-57

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 168, French Musketeer 1622-1775French Musketeer 1622-1775

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 259, The Chesapeake Campaigns 1813-1815The Chesapeake Campaigns 1813-1815

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, one of which is available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 253, Talavera 1809Talavera 1809

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 164, RAF Fighter Command PilotRAF Fighter Command Pilot

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 244, The Falklands 1982The Falklands 1982

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 241, The Fall of English France 1449-53The Fall of English France 1449-53

Book currently out of stock Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Command 21, George WashingtonGeorge Washington

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 155, ANZAC Infantryman 1914-15ANZAC Infantryman 1914-15

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 235, Walcheren 1944Walcheren 1944

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Command 9, Bernard MontgomeryBernard Montgomery

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Command 8, Henry VHenry V

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Command 10, MarlboroughMarlborough

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 221, The First Battle of the Marne 1914The First Battle of the Marne 1914

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, one of which is available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 213, Ireland 1649-52Ireland 1649-52

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 209, Niagara 1814Niagara 1814

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 203, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77Trenton and Princeton 1776-77

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 192, New York 1776New York 1776

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, one of which is available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Elite 167, Scottish Renaissance Armies 1513-1550Scottish Renaissance Armies 1513-1550

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 190, Poitiers AD 732Poitiers AD 733

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Fortress 70, Strongholds of the Border ReiversStrongholds of the Border Reivers

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 124, Teutonic Knight 1190-1561Teutonic Knight 1190-1561

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 185, Naseby 1645Naseby 1645

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 115, Condottiere 1300-1500Condottiere 1300-1500

Book currently out of stock

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Fortress 46, Castles and Tower Houses of the Scottish Clans 1450-1650Castles and Tower Houses of the Scottish Clans 1450-1650

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 104, Tudor KnightTudor Knight

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 160, Battle of the Boyne 1690Battle of the Boyne 1690

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, one of which is available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 154, Acre 1291Acre 1291

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, one of which is available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 141, Blenheim 1704Blenheim 1704

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 142, Dunbar 1650Dunbar 1650

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 138, Poitiers 1356Poitiers 1356

Book currently out of stock. Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 131, Tewkesbury 1471Tewkesbury 1471

Book currently out of stock. Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 120, Towton 1461Towton 1461

Book currently out of stock. Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 119, Marston Moor 1644Marston Moor 1644

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 116, First Newbury 1643First Newbury 1643

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 58, English Medieval Knight 1300-1400English Medieval Knight 1300-1400

Book currently out of stock

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 48, English Medieval Knight 1200-1300English Medieval Knight 1200-1300

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 44, Ironsides: English Cavalry 1588-1688Ironsides: English Cavalry 1588-1688

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 102, Bannockburn 1314Bannockburn 1314

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 94, Orleans 1429Orleans 1429

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold

Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 35, English Medieval Knight 1400-1500English Medieval Knight 1400-1500

Book currently out of stock

All the original paintings from this book have now sold

Click on the title or image for details
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 82, Edgehill 1642Edgehill 1642

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 68, Lutzen 1632Lutzen 1632

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, one of which is available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 71, Crecy 1346Crecy 1346

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, one of which is available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 66, Bosworth 1485 (1999 edition)Bosworth 1485 (1999 edition)

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Men at Arms 331, Scots Armies of the English Civil WarsScots Armies of the English Civil Wars

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold
Artist signed Osprey book, Men at Arms 320, Armies of the Caliphates 862-1098Armies of the Caliphates 862-1098

Book currently out of stock

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Men at Arms 317, Henry V and the Conquest of France 1416-53Henry V and the Conquest of France 1416-53

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 51, Inkerman 1854Inkerman 1854

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Men at Arms 310, German Medieval Armies 1000-1300German Medieval Armies 1000-1300

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Warrior 20, British Redcoat (2) 1793-1815British Redcoat (2) 1793-1815

Artist-signed copy available

Click on the title or image for details of the book and a link to the original paintings, some of which are available for sale
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 44, Pavia 1525Pavia 1525

Artist-signed copy available - Click on the title or image for details

All the original paintings from this book have now sold

Studio 88 Ltd., PO Box 568, Aylesbury, Bucks. HP17 8ZX - email: - phone: 01296 338504

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