|  | Ludford Bridge Henry VI's army sweeps across Ludford Bridge and into Ludlow on the morning of 13th October 1459. |
 | Clifford's End Almost within sight of the main Lancastrian army formed up near Towton, Lord Clifford and his company are cut off by a Yorkist force at Dintingdale. |
|  | Royal Blood As the Earl of Warwick's troops rain arrows down on them, and the Duke of York's men advance from the opposite direction, King Henry VI is 'hurte in the necke wythe an arrowe' as he finds himself exposed in the centre of the Yorkist assault at St. Albans. |
 | The Battle of Stoke John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln, fights for his life as his army is cut down around him. |
|  | Standoff at St. Michael's Mount Having taken St. Michael's Mount in Cornwall on 30th September 1474, John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, proceeded to put to the test the idea that the 'stronge place and a mygty' was impregnable, for if well victualled 'xx. menne may kepe it ageyne alle the world.' |
 | Keeper of the Seas English ships flying the colours of the Earl of Warwick, Captain of Calais, attack a heavily laden Spanish fleet in the Channel in 1458. |
|  | The Sun in Splendour Edward, Earl of March - soon to be King Edward IV - calms and inspires his army as they marvel at the sight of three suns on the frosty morning before battle. |
 | The Siege of Caister Castle John Paston III organises the defence of Caister Castle from the besieging forces of the Duke of Norfolk, during the summer of 1469. |
|  | The Battle of Blore Heath Sir James Tuchet, Lord Audley, leads the Lancastrian cavalry across Wemberton Brook and towards the earl of Salisbury's Yorkist army at the Battle of Blore Heath on 23rd September 1459. |
 | The Battle of Hedgeley Moor As his allies flee the battlefield, Sir Ralph Percy makes his final desperate stand against Lord Montagu's Yorkist army. |
|  | The Battle of Hexham Henry Beaufort, Duke of Somerest, tries to rally his men to face a surprise attack by Lord Montagu's Yorkist army. |
 | The Siege of Bamburgh Castle From behind the siege-lines, the earl of Warwick's herald witnesses the power of the king's 'greet gonnes' as one of Bamburgh's towers comes crashing down during the siege of 1464. |
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 | Decisive Blow Yorkist horsemen fall on the flank of the Duke of Somerset's division to strike the decisive blow that would decide the Battle of Tewkesbury. |
|  | Keeping the Lancastrian Fire Burning Jasper Tudor - 'the olde Lorde Jesper and sum tyme Erle of Pembrok' - leaves Denbigh in flames during his brief return to Wales during the summer of 1468. |
 | The Battle of Bosworth Three prints are available, reproduced from Graham Turner's paintings created for the new Osprey book about this significant battle. |
|  | The Battle of Mortimer's Cross Owen Tudor and his remaining men find themselves fighting for their lives against the Yorkist army of Edward, Earl of March, whose victories at Mortimer's Cross and soon after at Towton would see him crowned as King Edward IV. |
 | The Battle of Nibley Green Lord Berkeley and Viscount Lisle confront each other at Nibley Green in 1470, as their long-running inheritance dispute erupts into the last private battle to be fought on english soil. |
|  | The Hard Road to Tewkesbury The Yorkist army's hard march in pursuit of their Lancastrian foes, who would be forced to turn and face them in battle at Tewkesbury the following day. |
|  | Divided Loyalty A soldier from the Calais garrison considers where his loyalty lies - with his king, Henry VI, or his captain, the Earl of Warwick. |
 | Bleak Outpost After their catastrophic defeat at the battle of Towton in 1461, Lancastrian survivors retreated within the walls of their Northumberland strongholds, keeping the cause of King Henry VI alive. Here, an archer wearing the Percy family livery keeps watch from this bleak, coastal outpost. |
|  | Pastons at Barnet Having allied themselves with the Earl of Oxford to help promote their own local interests, the Paston family had no alternative but follow him during the crisis of 1471, and Sir John Paston and his brother found themselves taking to the battlefield in the Earl's retinue at Barnet, on Easter Sunday, 14th April 1471. |
 | Concealed Attack Soldiers in the Earl of Warwick's service advance through the back streets and alleys of St. Albans, to launch a surprise attack on Henry VI's forces in the market square during the Battle of St. Albans, 1455. |
|  | The Consequences of Defeat Following their defeat at the Battle of Tewkesbury on 4th May 1471, a number of prominent Lancastrians were taken from their sanctuary in Tewkesbury Abbey, to be tried and executed in the town centre - all to often the fate of those who found themselves on the losing side during the increasingly bitter and vengeful Wars of the Roses. |
 | Focus A jousting knight and his horse gallop towards their opponent, moments before impact, both of them totally focused on their target and what is to come. |
|  | Anticipation A knight - in full armour, crowned with his fantastic heraldic crest - inwardly battles to control his, and his horse's, excitement and nerves, split seconds before this moment of apparent calm explodes into a blur of adrenalin pumping action..... |
 | Full Tilt Lance lowered, attention fully focused on his target, a fully armoured knight thunders down the lists on his powerful horse moments before his world explodes into a crash of splintering lances..... LIMITED TO 100 COPIES ONLY. |
|  | Agincourt Archers of Henry Vs exhausted and diseased army shoot their deadly arrows at the first wave of French cavalry.LIMITED TO 100 COPIES ONLY |
|  | Dunstanburgh Castle A Lancastrian cavalry column approaches Dunstanburgh Castle, in Northumberland, in December 1462. |
 | Ladies' Favourite A knight parades in front of a stand full of Ladies before jousting at Westminster in 1478. Available in three alternative sizes. |
|  | Devotion A 15th Century Lady passes the time while her faithful dog relaxes by the fire. Available in four alternative sizes and also on Canvas. |
 | Sanctuary? A Lancastrian Knight considers his situation having sought sanctuary in Tewkesbury Abbey after the battle of 1471. Available in three alternative sizes and also on canvas. |
|  | Disturbing the Peace The 2nd Battle of St. Albans - 17th February 1461. Available in three alternative sizes and also on canvas. |
|  | The Battle of Wakefield On December 30th, 1460, the heirs of the Lancastrian Nobles killed at St. Albans found themselves able to avenge their father's deaths when their army trapped the Duke of York and Earl of Salisbury in Sandal Castle, near Wakefield. |
 | The Battle of Ferrybridge Lord Clifford's men try to stop the Yorkist army from crossing the broken bridge over the River Aire. Available in two alternative sizes. |
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 | Towton - The Rout The defeated Lancastrian army flees from the battlefield, down Towton Dale towards the River Cock, pursued and cut down by the victorious Yorkists. |
|  | Mistaken Identity - The Battle of Barnet The Marquis of Montagu and men of his division spot the Earl of Oxford's troops returning through the fog to the battlefield. Available in two alternative sizes. |
 | Not Welcome Queen Margaret receives the news that Gloucester has closed its gates and will not allow her army access to its bridge over the river Severn, prompting their march on to the next crossing point at Tewkesbury and their fateful meeting with the pursuing Yorkists. Available in two alternative sizes. |
|  | Tewkesbury Melee At the height of the battle of Tewkesbury on the 4th May 1471, the Duke of Somerset's troops engage the Yorkist flank. Available in two alternative sizes. |
 | Joan of Arc Joan of Arc leads the attack on Les Tourelles during the siege of Orleans in 1429. Available in two alternative sizes. |
|  | The March from Leicester King Richard III leads his army out of Leicester, past Austin Friars and over Bow Bridge, en-route to Bosworth and his fateful confrontation with the invading army of his adversary for the throne, Henry Tudor. |
 | Artillery at Bosworth The Yorkist Artillery open fire on Henry Tudor's army. Available in two alternative sizes. |
|  | Bosworth - The Melee King Richard III's vanguard, led by the Duke of Norfolk, engage the main body of Henry Tudor's army, commanded by the Earl of Oxford. |