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Ireland 1649-52

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Detail Images
Paintings from Ireland 1649-52Paintings from Ireland 1649-52

These are original paintings by Graham Turner, painted in gouache on watercolour board for the Osprey book 'Ireland 1649-52'. They are unique pieces of hand-painted artwork by this well known historical artist - CLICK HERE or on the photo of Graham at work for more information about how to purchase one of these paintings, or to arrange to visit us to view the originals.

For details of more original paintings by Graham Turner from other periods of history that are also available for sale, CLICK HERE.
Studio 88 also publishes an extensive range of prints and greeting cards from Graham Turner's historical paintings, with print prices from £15 and cards £1.50. CLICK HERE to go to the main menu and see what is available.
Rathmines, 1649 - Original Painting by Graham Turner Rathmines, 1649 - Original Painting by Graham Turner Ref: GT-213a

The wounded Royalist Colonel John Gifford stands amongst the battered remnants of his regiment, hoping to use the fact that he and the Parliamentarian Colonel Michael Jones had previously served together under the Earl of Ormond as a bargaining counter.

Jones is conscious of the fact that whilst he has bloodied Ormond's troops and driven them from the field, he has not destroyed them, and without accurate information about when Cromwell's army is expected to arrive he is aware that he needs every able-bodied man he can muster available to fight.

As if aware of this, Gifford attempts to break the impasse by offering to transfer his allegiance, and those of his men, to Parliament and serve under Jones's command. Whilst the offer is being considered, the tension is compounded by knots of Parliamentarian troopers nervously aiming their weapons at Gifford's men whilst awaiting their general's reaction, unsure if they are facing friend or foe, unsure if the battle is over or hosstilities are merely suspended.

Gouache painting by Graham Turner - image size 21.5"x 14.5" (55 x 37cm)

click on image to enlarge

For close up detail image of painting, CLICK HERE


Siege of Drogheda, 1649 - Original Painting by Graham Turner Siege of Drogheda, 1649 - Original Painting by Graham Turner Ref: GT-213b

The view from the headquarters of Colonel John Hewson, in command of the attack on the eastern wall at the time of the second - and successful - assault on Drogheda.

Gouache painting by Graham Turner - image size 21.5"x 14.5" (55 x 37cm)

click on image to enlarge

For close up detail image of painting, CLICK HERE


Siege of Clonmel, 1650 - Original Painting by Graham Turner Siege of Clonmel, 1650 - Original Painting by Graham Turner Ref: GT-213c

Oliver Cromwell tries to browbeat a number of his fleeing soldiers into rallying for another attack on the breach at Clonmel, but having lost over a third of the column either dead or wounded, the infantry were in no mood to make another attack.

Behind Cromwell, colonels Sankey and Shelbourrne offer the services of their two divisions of Cromwell's own Regiment of Horse, but their dismounted attack would also fail with significant losses. In total, an estimated 3,000 men, or almost 40% of Cromwell's army, would become casualties in the failed assaults.

Gouache painting by Graham Turner - image size 21.5"x 14.5" (55 x 37cm)

click on image to enlarge

For close up detail image of painting, CLICK HERE


Purchasing an Original Painting

Graham Turner's Original Paintings are offered for sale by the artist himself, so if you are interested in purchasing an original painting, please email Graham Turner at to discuss the purchase.

The cost of shipping original paintings varies, depending on their size, value and destination. Our usual shipping rates do not apply, but we would be happy to provide a quote for shipping to your address if required.

CLICK HERE for more information about buying an original.
Artist signed Osprey book, Campaign 213, Ireland 1649-52 Ireland 1649-52 Ref: CAM213
Cromwell's Protestant Crusade

by Michael McNally

Includes three paintings by Graham Turner

Books bought from Studio 88 are individually
hand-signed by artist Graham Turner

From the publisher's website:
A detailed look at the military operations of the re-conquest of Ireland led by Oliver Cromwell.

Following the execution of King Charles I in January 1649, the English Parliament saw their opportunity to launch an assault on the Royalist enclave in Ireland. Oliver Cromwell was appointed as Deputy of Ireland to lead a campaign to restore direct control and quell the opposition. The first battle in Cromwell's bloody offensive was at Drogheda, where an assault on the city walls resulted in the slaughter of almost 4000 defenders and inhabitants. The Parliamentary troops then proceeded to Wexford where battle once again lead to a massacre. After Cromwell returned to England, his son-in-law, Henry Ireton, continued the operation which ended with the surrender of Galway in 1652.

Michael McNally explores how the campaign led to the Act for the Settlement of Ireland, in which Irish Royalists and Confederates were evicted and their lands 'settled' by those who had advanced funds to Parliament.

click on image to enlarge

248 x 184mm
96 pages
Published August 2009
Price: £16.99

Click here for details of the many other Osprey military history books that Graham Turner has been commissioned to create paintings for.Other Osprey Books

Studio 88 Ltd., PO Box 568, Aylesbury, Bucks. HP17 8ZX - email: - phone: 01296 338504

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