Going into the final, Graham focused on each run at a time, not
daring to look at the scores or think about the possibility of
winning. When Will West missed his first pass, Graham new it was
possible, but put this to the back of his mind and got on with
the job in hand. Maximum scores followed, but it all came down
to the final pass between Graham and Dominic Sewell - score well
and he'd clinched it, miss, and he'd be lucky to be in the top
The last pass was a massive impact, and it all so nearly ended
there for Graham when the reins were pulled through his hand and
Magic bucked out of the lists! He stayed on board though, and
on hearing the scores realised that he'd done it, achieved the
dream result - won the 2010 Queen's Golden Jubilee Trophy!

Above - A huge impact between Jason Kingsley and William
Right - Having regained his composure after the final
pass, Graham realises that he's won the title.